July 1st, 2024
Reading time 1 min.

Out of the box solutions: Visit Hungary

About Visit Hungary

Visit Hungary's primary goal is to boost tourism by handling various sales and marketing tasks both domestically and internationally. They take care of promoting Hungary as a tourist destination through strategic campaigns, both within the country and abroad.

Campaign Objectives

The primary objective of their winter 2023 campaign was to promote Hungary as a holiday destination within Austria, France, Germany, The Czech Republic and the UK. 

Visit Hungary was keen on out-of-the-box solutions using video spots and native advertising. 

The Solution (1): CTV and video

Visit Hungary strategically booked two Connected TV (CTV) campaigns utilizing Samsung Ads, targeting Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, and the UK.

Recognizing Germany as a vital market, Visit Hungary went an extra mile and secured additional video campaigns by leveraging Ad Alliance inventory (RON).

The CTV Customer Journey

Follow the CTV customer journey on Samsung Smart TVs in the video mock-up below. 



The Solution (2): Native ads

While leveraging video and CTV advertising in other markets, Visit Hungary adopted a distinct strategy for the French market.

In France, Visit Hungary opted for a comprehensive approach by booking native formats across both print and digital platforms. This encompassed display native and video placements, booking with Figaro.

Explore the stunning implementation of Visit Hungary's campaigns on Figaro.fr and in  Le Figaro Magazine. 

Native campaign on Figaro.fr

Native in Le Figaro Magazine

The Campaign Outcome

The campaign surpassed the agreed-upon campaign parameters, exceeding Visit Hungary's KPIs for both impressions and click-through rates (CTR).