TV Key Facts 2022
March 24th, 2022
Reading time 3 min.

The status of cross-media measurement across Europe and the US

As Total Video consumption diversifies and evolves with the emergence of a wide range of new content viewing offers, we are at a turning point in the development of new modes of measurement

From the infographic below, we can see that there are multiple routes towards campaign and audience measurement. There are a wide range of initiatives in varying stages of development that take any of these routes. 

The key question which arrives as a result of this choice, is which are the best routes and which of these routes are the top priorities? This article summarises some of the leading cross-media measurement initiatives from across Europe and the US

C-flight in the UK:

The UK has launched a broadcaster premium model, based on C-flight methodology, available exclusively for the broadcast market in the UK. 

All UK broadcasters are measured through both their linear channels and BVOD platforms on the metrics de-duplicated reach and frequency. Campaigns are designated a unique ID for linear TV and BVOD campaigns by an independent party (Clearcast). These are brought back together with Sky enabling de-duplicated reach. Only view-through-rate impressions are counted. 

The C-flight medium is still in its test phase. 

Médiametrie in France:

In France, Médiametrie is leading the way, exploring all three ways of audience measurement. 

In 2020, they began to measure all linear ads at home on TV, out of home on all screens as well as BVOD on IPTV. In collaboration with Nielsen, they have created a solution for measuring Total Video in the form of XCR. 

They also have a hub survey in place including deduplication for all media on a strategic planning level. There are a variety of plans to take all these measures to the next step in the coming years.

Measurement in Belgium:

Since 2021, Belgium has had content measurement in place, measuring total TV ratings for both linear and BVOD, available only for individuals. 

In terms of advertising measurement, there is available measurement for Total Video reach and frequency of strategic planning. The fusion of measurement for the TV and digital panels is based on a cross-platform survey. 

The next goal is to evolve this cross-platform video measurement to become a tactical planning tool to plan and report on campaigns based on impressions.

Multi-media measurement in The Netherlands:

The Netherlands are creating a real cross-media measurement tool, by fusing radio, TV, print and digital panels. 

The system here is based on an establishment survey of 8,000 respondents that divides into three panels: a readership survey that measures print and digital, the Kantar panel measuring TV and digital as well as the IPSOS panel which measures TV, radio and mobile. 

‘Follow the Campaign’ in Germany:

In Germany, the leading cross-measurement campaign is the ‘Follow the Campaign’ project which fuses digital campaign management by Nielsen with TV panels which allows a cross-platform campaign reach of linear TV and all digital video. The scope of this project is all video campaigns. 

In the meantime, AGF is integrating static display. German advertisers are also closely collaborating with the WFA projects. These projects are both on similar timelines for completion but it is likely that German advertisers would prefer to support a home-grown project.

A multi-currency world in the US:

In the US, it is completely different to the European standard, where a national committee delivers a solution for the entire market. The US is a multi-currency race with three different initiatives being developed. Nielsen, who have been responsible for delivering the currency for linear TV, have been hit by scandal for underreporting. 

US broadcasters have been establishing their own forms of measurement- NBCU for example, are testing supplier to measure cross-platform reach, with the aim of having a cross-platform TV and digital system ready to report on the Winter Olympics. 

Similarly, advertisers are developing the WFA initiative funded by platforms.  

As is clear from this brief summary, there are a wide selection of possibilities when it comes to measurement. Broadcasters need to make decisions about what the best options are for their desired outcomes.

Jean-Baptiste Moggio
Head of Marketing, RTL AdConnect

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Jean-Baptiste Moggio, Head of Marketing at RTL AdConnect