TV Key Facts 2023
December 7th, 2023
Reading time 3 min.

Developing audience measurement solutions for Total TV

Can you explain what Realytics does and what makes it stand out in the market?

Realytics is a pioneer in TV analytics for advertisers and agencies. Our original idea was to prove that TV advertising, in addition to building brand awareness, is also effective from an ROI perspective. So, we launched the very first European DSP for TV buying automation (Adkymia) integrating performance driven KPIs.

What makes Realytics different is our willingness to innovate, support and partner with players in the TV ecosystem on their mission to digitise television, and to develop ways to accurately measure the performance of TV campaigns.

We recently launched BEE (Brand Exposure and Engagement), a unified, integrated and unique TV measurement solution to offer the market the opportunity to track and reconciliate audiences across different environments on the TV device.

How many advertisers are using BEE?

BEE has already won five awards including the Gold Award for Advertising Innovation at the 2023 Cas d’Or for our work with Peugeot. It’s proof of the market recognition. Demand for BEE has been growing exponentially. We see real market traction around it, and we are pursuing the development of BEE not only in France, but also abroad. To date, we have 49 advertisers in the BEE portfolio including major TV advertisers.

BEE provides advertisers and their agencies with benefits, completely new to TV advertising – you can for example, track duplications across different TV distribution channels or track how each environment contributes to the overall audience. Advertisers may use frequency capping for online engagement optimisation or use A/B testing scenarios on TV. BEE was launched in partnership with Bouygues Telecom.

Do you have plans to develop other partnerships?

So far, we have partnered with the French telecommunication company Bouygues Telecom, but there are ongoing discussions with additional partners.

You have been measuring linear TV, Addressable TV and BVOD for some time and have announced a partnership with Rakuten Advertising for the measurement of CTV. Can you tell us more?

We are moving forward with measuring Rakuten Advertising’s offer. This initiative perfectly matches with Realytics’ ambition to bring AdTech innovations and new learnings to the market. With our combined tech and media DNAs, we can provide answers for CTV measurement expectations.

Médiamétrie unveiled its Roadmap to measure Total Video in France, how can solutions such as BEE coexist with the official measurement body?

Realytics does not focus on individual audience measurement. That is Médiamétrie’s domain. Médiamétrie aims to provide the market with an individual audience measurement, extrapolated to video consumption across all broadcasters, platforms and devices. It is built upon panels representing the French population.

BEE is focused on performance-based TV campaigns. Unlike Mediamétrie, BEE comes with a deterministic and non-panelist approach. It works on the largest single source available on the market (1.8 million opted-in households). By measuring the post exposure online engagement, BEE also highlights business performance per TV distribution channel.

What about your plans to expand further internationally?

Many of our customers are international brands. Our solutions are already being used internationally. As for BEE, it is replicable abroad if the right data is available. In this respect, Germany is an ideal location for BEE as a very large proportion of German households receive video content via their smart TV and the HbbTV standard. 

HbbTV enables us to deploy the BEE solution in Germany and gain access to the behaviour of a substantial portion of German households. Initial tests have been highly conclusive, and BEE’s deployment in Germany has now begun. A first linear and addressable TV campaign was measured for Shopmate. BEE has no borders.

AI is one of the five big trends in advertising we are highlighting this year. How are you using AI at Realytics?

Realytics, has been dealing with AI from the beginning. Both AdPerformance (Drive-to-Web/App TV campaign measurement) and Adkymia (TV DSP) rely on AI. Using these technologies, our team is able to deliver useful insights about how engaging a media plan can be and can automate media planning according to advertisers’ needs, whether they are looking for branding or performance. 

On the other hand, BEE is built upon a deterministic approach and relies on real exposure and online engagement data with real human beings.


Valerie Teboul-Weber, Director of Research & Media Expertise at Realytics