General Germany

The entertainment all-rounder



Positive entertainment, independent journalism and socially relevant topics. RTL stands for a large variety of programs with strong program brands, many of which are almost as well-known in Germany as the "RTL" brand itself. These include show series such as "Let's dance", "Wer wird Millionär?", "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" as well as real-life formats such as "Bauer sucht Frau" or "Der Bachelor".
RTL stands for first-class journalism and social relevance in RTL's programming.
Absolute sports highlights such as the UEFA europa league / UEFA europa conference league or the international matches of the German national team and, from 2023, the NFL, complete the diverse range of programmes.

Target Group

Core target group: Adults 14-59

Monthly Reach 51.34 Mill.
Viewer gender distribution
women 39.2 %
men 60.8 %
Viewer age distribution
6-15 1.8 %
16-24 2.6 %
25-34 8.9 %
35-44 10 %
45-54 21.1 %
55-64 23.4 %
65+ 32.2 %
RTL (Germany) is represented worldwide except in Germany